
In Memorium Ken Christensen

Upcoming Events

Dues are due on April 1st. We are pleased to announce our re-einstatement as a 501c7 has been approved by the IRS.

Donation to FARM days

AFETA Donates to Farm Days 2025

This will be the 55th year for this event for special needs children and their families. The board approved a donation of $500.00 for this event, and Frank presented the check to the president of the 501c(3) at the fund raising auction on Sunday the 22nd of February. The organization is well on its way to the $25,000 goal of funding this event.

February Meeting

We appreciate Chettie for opening his doors for our spring meeting. We do understand it if you do not participate in facebook this may be short notice for you. I will post all club events on the club's facebook page and notify Frank so he can share it to the club's website Several topics will be up for discussion at this meeting such as event planning. We look forward to seeing you there.

See current newsletter for details CLICK HERE

You Tube Channel

If you watch U-Tube you can check out our new channel by using the search tool and typing in EDGE&TA245, or clicking on this link EDGE&TA245. This will take you to our channel and recommend other channels you might be interested in.

The most important feature of this outfit is you.

Work party cleaning picnic forest.

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This one is a keeper

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